Friday, December 11, 2009

My New Toy

On Tuesday Mike and I purchased a new toy for me it is a 2008 Ford Explorer. We traded in Grandma Bling for an SUV. I know some of you don't agree with the purchase but I feel a lot safer crossing the point of the mountain with my two precious cargo in an SUV. And thats all I'm going to say about that :)
If you ask Maty which car she would like to drive in she will tell you the "New Car"

Monday, December 7, 2009

Snow Day

There is finally enough snow for Matyson to put on her new snow suit.
Doesn't she look cute.

Zander as a baby doll

It has finally happened Matyson thinks Zander is one of her baby dolls. As you can see by the pic's Zander is not liking sitting in Maty's baby stroller. Poor little guy he is in for it now. Stay tuned for the next place Matyson has Zander.

Time to be a big girl

Maty had a very big week last week. She gave up her crib to her little brother, so now she only sleeps in her big girl bed. I wasn't sure how she would do with this but I was pleasently surprised, she goes right to bed when we ask her to and she doesn't try to get out. yea.
Also last week we took away her binky.... she can now only have her binky when she takes a nap or goes to bed at night. She is having a really hard time with this but I think she can do it...
Its' so hard getting older. haha

Cute Hats

Aren't they sooooo cute.
These are the last pictures of Zander on oxygen he got his oxygen off right before his two month appointment. Yea
Zander had his two month appointment on November 30th his new measurements are......... height is 21 1/2 inches long - Thats in the 5th percentile
weighs 10 pounds 4 ounces - Thats in the 20th percentile
head is 37 1/2 cm - Thats in the 7th percentile
YIKES he is getting so big.

Thanksgiving Feast

Well I'm slowly but surely updating the blog.
Thanksgiving this year was a little different than most years for us, since Zander is home and not suppose to be around big groups of people, we decided to have our own Thanksgiving Feast. At first I was not very excited about this but it grew on me and by Thanksgiving I was really looking forward to cooking my own turkey. Well the excitement was short lived, on Thanksgiving day Mike and Matyson were both sick so they didn't eat much of the feast. All I can say about that is lots and lots of LEFTOVERS!!!

Halloween Pic's

Here are some Halloween pic's of the kids. Matyson was little red riding hood, and Zander was a tiger. We tried to find Zander a big bad wolf costume but they didn't come in his size. Darn it.
A special thanks to Grandma Gail for making Maty Moo's costume it was so cute. Maty loves to put it on when she plays with her babies.

Zander left the hospital

SORRY, I am such a slacker. Let me try to get everyone up to speed on how Zander is doing. Zander left the hospital on October 22nd on oxygen but going home still the same.
Matyson's first thoughts about her little brother were what I expected, she was scared of him because of the canula in Zander's nose. It only took a day for her to get over that fear. Now we can't keep her away from him.
Here are some pics of Moo holding Zander.